👋  Hello Dear Investors,

In May, we initiated 1.12M interactions, of which 797K were paid. This represents a +9.17% increase in interactions compared to April, which was our previous best month. Cumulatively, since February 2024, we have increased by 63% 👀, making this growth streak the steepest in a 3-month window since early 2022. Given that May had a couple of holidays, the normalized increase per business day rises slightly to +9.2% compared to April. All the charts are attached.

May 2024 Key Metrics

  1. Monthly Revenue: USD**$181,841**(+10.66% w.r.t. April)

  2. Number of monthly paid interactions: 896.972 (+6,74% w.r.t. March)

  3. Annual run rate: USD**$2,175,773**

4.Cash in Bank: USD$2.414.967

  1. Monthly BurnRate: $39.246

  2. Runway: 47 months

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-18 a la(s) 10.37.18 p. m..png

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Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 4.37.16 PM.png

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Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 4.19.54 PM.png

May Sales Updates